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Cocoa Wafer Cake

Cocoa Wafer Cake


  • 10.6oz of Lago Cocoa/Chocolate wafer cookies
  • 8.8oz sugar
  • 5.3oz butter
  • 4 eggs
  • 2.8 fl oz soy milk
  • 1.45oz coconut flour
  • 1.45 almonds
  • 1 cup of sprinkles
  • Powdered/Icing sugar

Product Used


  • Preheat the oven at 320F.
  • In a large bowl put together the butter and the sugar, then add one egg at a time and pour the soy milk gently. Mix the ingredients together and leave it aside. Crush the Lago wafer cookies and chop the almonds. Add the coconut flour, the crushed Lago wafers and the chopped almonds to the butter, sugar, eggs and milk. Mix all the ingredients until they melt and get smooth.
  • Butter a mold and pour all the ingredients inside. Bake it for about 1 hour at 320F.
  • Let it cool down before removing from the mold and decorate with sprinkles or icing sugar. Your wafer cake is ready to serve!